Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Digital Portfolio


This site is very helpful in creating a digital portfolio. It not only offers instructions on different layouts and tools within InDesign, but the site also gives ideas that should be considered within the creation. This site offers instructions to make a quick portfolio. Although we will be spending more time in class, it is helpful to know different shortcuts available in the creation. The website demonstrates how to do things in a group, so that time is cut down in the creation and the page is unified.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Blog Reviews

A. How did you decide which blogs to review?
The first blog I looked at was the person ahead of me, as assigned. For the other to blogs I choose people that I have had other classes with, or that I know. Both the others I choose are people I had ceramics class with, and thus have spent hours with them in the studio. I choose these people because I thought it would be interesting to see what they write about.

B. Why did you select the individual postings to comment on?
After reading the blogs I found that I was most attracted to those who had pictures posted in the blog. I was able to see directly what the blogger was talking about as they reflected on the images. I also choose blogs that were directly related to the person, ones where they were talking about themselves rather than just reviewing something in the blog.


C. How could you use a Blog in your classroom as a communication tool? If not, why not?
I think a blog can be a very useful tool within the classroom. It can be used as a way to stay in touch with students as assignments, questions and projects can be posted on it . This would allow students not only to remain in contact with the teachers on days they may not have class, but also allow for students to contact each other with questions or see each others work.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Exploring Online Resource Sites



From the section Cross-curricular resources I would use the article entitled Digital storytelling within my classroom. Learning how to visually narrative is important for those of all ages as we are living in a visual world. Also creating digital stories is a lesson that can be adapted to fit those of all ages. Thus it can be taught at a beginning level, and then become more advanced for older students.



A resource from apple.com I would use in my future classroom is about creating movies/ films through the use of apple products. The “Making a Movie” Curriculum outlines possible lessons and ideas of what to teach a class about movie making. From this resource I could either directly use the lesson ideas outlined within the article, or I could create original lessons that are based off of those within the article.



This site offers an article on “Why Champion Social and Emotional Learning?: Because It Helps Students Build Character”. I would use this in a classroom, because it is important for students to learn socially and emotionally in school, and the art classroom is where students are able to express themselves. I would utilize this resource by designing lessons that emphasize emotions and that work in groups. By doing this students will have to analyze their emotions in order to create art from them. By working in groups students learn to compromise and use teamwork