Monday, February 1, 2010

Visit to The Albright Knox Art Gallery

Which artworks make an impact or impression on me? Why?
1. Hare. Sunrise
This work created an impact on me, because I find it so interesting to look at. Movement is made throughout the piece as your eye travels through each element. Also the various materials within this piece are utilized together to create a unified whole.
2. Pollock. Convergence
Anyone can create a piece that is abstract, but few can do so as Pollock could. Aside form the large scale this piece has, it is also very aesthetically pleasing as the formal elements work together to draw in the viewer and keep them staring at the art work.
3. Giacometti. Man Walking.
This work is abstract, yet detailed enough to reveal the essentials. I still am amazed at artists who are able to create only what is needed without going to far.
4. Marc. The Wolves (Balkan War)
the use of color made the primary impact on me. The colors utilized are surreal, yet the blocks of color and shading allow the viewer to see the narrative that is being depicted.
5. Van Gogh. Old Mill
The texture in this piece, as well as in all of Van Gogh's art work created an impression on me. Movement is created within his work, simply by the painterly way he utilizes. Also he is able to create detail and shading in his work, yet make it seem almost abstracted.

Which artworks do I feel a connection with? Why?
1. Soutine. Carcass of Beef.
I feel a connection with this piece because some of the work I create deals with carcasses of animals and humans. Not only do I see a similarity in his work and mine, but other people have mentioned this to me as well.
2. Matisse. Musique.
I feel a connection with this piece because I can recall it being pointed out to me during the first visits I ever had at the art gallery. Not only was this piece highlighted to me, but it was one of the ones I was
attracted to at a young age. Most likely for the vivid colors, and exaggerated features.
3. .Samaras. Mirrored Room
This room had been my favorite piece when I was young, as it was interactive. Now I feel as though it is always closed when I visit the art museaum, but perhaps sometime soon I will be able to enter it and see if I still feel the same way I did while being inside of this room at a young age.
4 Picasso. Woman’s Head
This sculptural piece takes on the form of a face, which is only determined to be female due to the title. I feel a connection
with this piece because only the important elements of a human head are defined, and that is all that is truly need to rely Picasso’s intentions. When I use the human figure in my own work in ceramics, only the important elements are used, so only what is nessecary can be seen- allowing the viewer to get straight to the concept of the piece.
5.Tissot. L'Ambitiuse
I feel a connection with this artwork, because it was one part of an Albright Knox art exhibit I attened when I was younger. After viewing all the artwork, my mother allowed us to pick out a souvenior to remember the show by: I choose a notepad that had this image depicted on it. I still have the notepad, because I liked it so much when I was little that I did not want to use it, because I thought it would get ruined.

Which artworks would I like to know more about? Why?
1. Jehan Georges Vibert. The Marvelous Sauce
I would like to know the context behind this piece. There seems to be a story occurring within the work.
2.Tangou. Indefinite Divisibility.
This work takes on the appearance of a 3D object, yet is created on a 2D campus. I would be interested in learning more about the artist and seeing why he chose to work in paint rather than sculpture.
3. Seurat. Le Chahut.
Seurat has an amazing knowledge of color, as he is able to make colors appears has whole areas when only dots are utilized. In would be interested in learning more about his color knowledge.
4. Donovan. Untiled
This large floor piece, appears to be materials layered to form a plethora of spherical forms that seem almost solid. I would be interested in learning the concept behind this work of art, as it was untitled and thus difficult to imagine what the artist’s intentions were.
5.Apfelbaum. Reckless
I would be interested in learning more about this artist, and the techniques utilized to create this piece. I would assume that the piece is created in parts and then assembled, but this could not be the case. As with any large work the process is always somewhat diffficult- therefore I would like to know how it was made.

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